January 2020

North America News

As of January 1, 2020, manufacturers and distributors of lithium ion cells and batteries and equipment powered by cells and batteries are required to provide a Test Summary as specified in the United Nations Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, sub-section 38.3, paragraph 38.3.5. It should be noted that the test summary also applies to the cells and batteries contained in equipment when the cell or battery is added to a product.

The Test Summary shall include the information as below; however, there is no defined required format to follow.

Lithium cell or battery test summary in accordance with sub-section 38.3 of Manual of Tests and Criteria

The following information shall be provided in this test summary:

Name of cell, battery, or product manufacturer, as applicable;

Cell, battery, or product manufacturer's contact information to include address, phone number, email address and website for more information;

Name of the test laboratory to include address, phone number, email address and website for more information;

A unique test report identification number;

Date of test report;

Description of cell or battery to include at a minimum:

Lithium ion or lithium metal cell or battery;


Watt-hour rating, or lithium content;

Physical description of cell/battery; and

Model numbers.

List of test conducted and results (i.e., pass/fail);

Reference to assembled battery testing requirements, if applicable (i.e. 38.3.3(f) and 38.3.3(g));

Reference to the revised edition of the Manual of Test and Criteria used and to amendments thereto, if any; and

Signature with name and title of signatory as an indication of the validity of information provided

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Asia News

On December 2, 2019, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry issued notification No.33/2015-2020 to amend the import policy for toys distributed in India. This was effective immediately.

According to the amendment, the requirement of testing toys at laboratories accredited by the India’s National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) has been removed. Instead, the authority will randomly select samples from each consignment arriving in India and sent them to NABL accredited laboratories for clearance. Failure in complying to the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) toy standards may result in the consignment being sent back or destroyed at the cost of the importer. The example of BIS toy standards are shown as below.

  • IS 9873-1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties

  • IS 9873-2: Flammability

  • IS 9873-3: Migration of Certain elements

  • IS 9873-4: Swings, slides and similar activities - toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use

  • IS 9873-7: Requirements and test methods for finger paints

  • IS 9873-9: Certain phthalates in toys and children’s products

  • IS 15644: Electric toys

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On September 30, 2019, the Minister of Science and Technology of Vietnam approved QCVN 3:2019/BKHCN Technical Regulations for Toy Safety.

The key amendments to the Technical Regulation on Toy Safety are summarized below:

  • Revised the version of standards for physical and mechanical properties, flammability and migration of certain elements:



(Effective January 1, 2021)


(Current version)

Physical and mechanical properties

TCVN 6238-1: 2017 (ISO 8124-1: 2014)

TCVN 6238-1:2008 (ISO 8124-1:2000)


TCVN 6238-2: 2017 (ISO 8124-2: 2014)

TCVN 6238-2:2008 (ISO 8124-2:2007)

Migration of certain elements

TCVN 6238-3:2011 (ISO 8124-3:2010)

TCVN 6238-3:2008 (ISO 8124-3:1997)

  • Introduced Phthalates requirements (BBP, DBP and DEHP for all toys, and DIDP, DINP and DNOP for toys, which can be placed in the mouth)

  • Updated the toy labeling requirements in accordance with Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP of April 14, 2017

The new Technical Regulation will come into force on January 1, 2021. Toys that are tested and comply with Technical Regulation,QCVN 3:2009/BKHCN, can be sold in the market until December 31, 2021.

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On December 1, 2019, the Hong Kong Government proposed the adoption of up-to-date safety standards for toys and certain children’s products listed in Schedule 2 under the Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance (Cap 424).

The Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance stipulates that a person must not manufacture, import or supply a toy or Schedule 2 product unless it complies with all the applicable requirements contained in any one of the safety standards specified in Schedules 1 and 2 respectively in the Ordinance. The standards specified are international standards adopted by major economies.

Schedule 1 Toy Standard

Current Standard

Proposed substitute standards

ISO 8124-3:2010 (incorporating Amendment 1:2014)

ISO 8124-3:2010 (incorporating Amendment 2:2018)

ISO 8124-4:2014 (incorporating Amendment 1:2017)

ISO 8124-4:2014 (incorporating Amendment 2:2019)

BS EN 71-1:2014

BS EN 71-1:2014 + A1:2018

BS EN 71-3:2013 + A3:2018

BS EN 71-3:2019

BS EN 71-14:2014 + A1:2017

BS EN 71-14:2018

Schedule 2 Children’s Product Standard

Current Standard

Proposed substitute standards

Babies’ Dummies

BS EN 1400:2013 + A1:2014

BS EN 1400:2013 + A2:2018

Baby Walking Frames

ASTM F977-12

ASTM F977-18

Child Safety Barriers For Domestic Use

ASTM F1004-18

ASTM F1004-19

Children’s Cots For Domestic Use

ASTM F1169-13

ASTM F1169-19

ISO 7175-1:1997

ISO 7175-1:2019

ISO 7175-2:1997

ISO 7175-2:2019

Children’s High Chairs and Multi-purpose High Chairs For Domestic Use

ASTM F404-18

ASTM F404-18a

Children’s Paints

BS EN71-3:2013 + A3:2018

BS EN71-3:2019

ISO 8124-3:2010 (incorporating Amendment 1:2014)

ISO 8124-3:2010 (incorporating Amendment 2:2018)

Playpens For Domestic Use

ASTM F406-17

ASTM F406-19

Wheeled Child Conveyances

BS EN 1888:2012

BS EN 1888-1:2018 and BS EN 1888-2:2018

ASTM F833-15

ASTM F833-19

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Australia/New Zealand News

Wenn in Australien Gefahren in Verbraucherprodukten festgestellt werden, werden diese zurückgerufen und in der täglich aktualisierten Datenbank für Rückrufe und Sicherheitswarnungen auf der Website der Australian Competition & Consumer Commission veröffentlicht. Die australischen Rückrufe vom 2. Juni 2019 bis 29. November 2019 sind im Folgenden zusammengefasst:













Andere Gefährdungen*


*Andere Gefahren sind Allergiegefahr, chemische Gefahr, Ertrinkungsgefahr, Stromschlaggefahr, elektrische Gefahr, Einklemmgefahr, Sturzgefahr, Verschluckungsgefahr, Schnittverletzungsgefahr und Strangulationsgefahr mit einer Häufigkeit von weniger als 7.



Artikel über Spielzeug und Kinderbetreuung


Stoff / Textil / Bekleidung / Heimtextilien




Kosmetika / Körperpflege


Sportartikel / Ausrüstung


Andere Kategorien^


^Andere Kategorien umfassen Kerzen & Brennartikel und Zubehör, Computer / Audio / Video / Sonstige Elektronik & Zubehör, Brillen, Material mit Lebensmittelkontakt, elektrische Haushaltsgeräte (Haartrockner, Bügeleisen usw.), Haushaltswaren, Beleuchtungsausrüstung und Haustierbedarf mit einer Häufigkeit von weniger als 5.

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