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Textil & Kleidungsmarken: Tipps zur Vermeidung von Insektenbefall in Ihren Produkten

Textil & Kleidungsmarken: Tipps zur Vermeidung von Insektenbefall in Ihren Produkten

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Insektenbefall vermeiden und sich gegen Produktverlust schützen können.

Dieses White Paper informiert Sie darüber:

  • Die Risiken und Gründe für Befall während wichtiger Produktionsstufen.
  • Schritte, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Lieferanten das Ausbruchsrisiko minimieren.
  • Wie Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihre Produkte befallsfrei und verkaufsbereit am Zielort ankommen.
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End-to-End Infestation Prevention

Cloth moths, carpet beetles and other fabric pests can be very damaging to garments. While less common than mold and water damage, a bug infestation easily results in complete product loss. Among the primary causes of bug infestation are high humidity, insufficient factory cleanliness and substandard shipping condit

Effective measures to prevent bug infestation must be taken at every stage of production and shipping, including:

  • During production:
    • Strict cleanliness control, including zero contact with food and animals
    • Use of insect traps and insecticides
    • Proper storage at intermediate stages
    • Regular inspections
  • After production:
    • Separation of production and storage areas
    • Temperature and humidity controls
  • During container shipping and loading
    • Pre-shipment treatment of containers
    • Container cleanliness and humidity controls

Download the whitepaper for full technical guidance on safeguarding your textile and apparel products against bug infestations at every stage of your supply chain.

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