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2022 Global Supply Chain Landscape

2022 Global Supply Chain Landscape

This report analyzes the latest developments in global trade in 2022, as well as the long-term trends and patterns of the past three years, with a focus on shifting sourcing geographies and supply chain disruption.

Dieses White Paper informiert Sie darüber:

  • Response of global buyers to the ongoing supply chain disruptions
  • Evolution of key sourcing geographies
  • Supply chain management strategies for 2023 and beyond
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Explore the findings of QIMA’s 2022 survey of 400+ businesses with international supply chains for an overview of the emerging new face of global procurement:

  • Not much hope for the easing of supply chain disruptions: 80% of businesses expect the ongoing chaos to persist or worsen by the end of 2022
  • Uneven fortunes of China’s competition: India surges forward as a top sourcing spot, while buyer trust in Vietnam has taken a hit
  • SMEs struggle to leave China: while larger companies have the space resources to pivot their procurement, smaller buyers are more likely to stick around
  • Future-proofing supply chains with sourcing partnerships and digitization: 71% of brands globally want to build lasting relationships with their suppliers, and three-quarters plan to invest in digital transformation
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