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Evolution of Global Sourcing in 2020

Evolution of Global Sourcing in 2020

This report analyzes the evolution of global sourcing in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, US-China trade tensions and other disruptions to global supply chains.

Dieses White Paper informiert Sie darüber:

  • Sourcing trends by buyer region and industry
  • China’s changing position in the global supply chains
  • Evolution of sourcing preferences compared to 2019
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This report analyzes the evolution of global sourcing in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, US-China trade tensions and other disruptions to global supply chains.

Explore the findings of QIMA’s 2020 survey of 200+ businesses with international supply chains to find out how global sourcing is adapting:

  • China’s down, but not out: with 75% of respondents still naming China among their top 3 sourcing regions, the move out of China is a slow burn rather than a cliff edge
  • US and EU brands are exploring sourcing options closer to home, but are more likely to near-shore rather than re-shore.
  • Diversification is top of mind for global brands, but there are some noticeable nuances between regions, with US brands almost twice as likely to source new suppliers compared to EU buyers

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