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In the Fast Lane: What Does Speed to Market Mean for Consumer Safety?

In the Fast Lane: What Does Speed to Market Mean for Consumer Safety?

Learn more on how hasty business decisions during product development can impact consumer safety and your brand.

Dieses White Paper informiert Sie darüber:

  • Consumer Safety & Responsibility: In this consumer landscape, minimum compliance is not enough.
  • Speed vs Haste: How speed affects product quality and ultimately, product safety.
  • Recommendations on how your business can develop a proactive action plan to protect consumers and your brand.
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Whitepaper: The Impacts Speed to Market Decisions Have on Consumer Safety

While it may be tempting to prioritize speed to market and capitalize on the latest trend, successful businesses always keep the big picture in mind. Even the most perfectly conceived products can fail through simple manufacturing flaws. These decisions can ultimately have a damaging effect on your brand and more importantly, the consumers that will use your products.

Learn how QIMA partners with businesses to develop quality and safety assurance plans specific to their products and needs to combat these risks. This whitepaper will give you insights about:

  • Consumer Safety & Responsibility: In this consumer landscape, minimum compliance is not enough.
  • Speed vs Haste: How speed affects product quality and ultimately, product safety.
  • Recommendations on how your business can develop a proactive action plan to protect consumers and your brand.
Holen Sie sich das Whitepaper